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Bless Day to you, may name is Sheique Burrus, Business Stratgetist.  I enjoy helping others to succeed, as I  may succeed.  


Through my time here on this earth I have acknowledged my gifts that God has given me, such as creative to solving problems, business planning and writing, and cooking for family & good friends; love to sing (beautiful) and my smile allowing me to bless others around me.  I am a pastor's daughter and I worked in the church since 1977 and earning my business degree in 1995 at International Business College, Indiana and countinued knowledge business strategy education 2013-16; which all has given me understanding to have success in church administation and professional comes naturally. An true passion for leaders.


I started my own business at ten years old, teaching my church-family at Greater Elim Missionary Church in Indianapolis, IN  about nutrition from the book "Back to Eden" yes I loved it!  Then began networking marketing at six-teen "AMWAY", I got bit by thee networking bug.


I have came across good and bad businesses. And, making mistakes, and no support.  The good has taught me a great deal bout different business industries worldwide, including working will my Father, his right-hand unique lady. The bad- businesses and mistakes had got me into some trouble - that has taught me how to choose the right business for my gifts - not for the money nor to please people that mean no good to me, my clients. My passion focus on success to please God and not to hurt no one nor myself. #BLESSSUCCESS!


Unique Business Emporium - World Class Business Strategies for stability and growth,  new and exiting business industries.


Business Plans &

Private Business Funding


Please take a look around Unique Business Emporium website, if you have any questions call 317-643-1088. Bless Success!

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